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June 23, 2013

My School... and a BRAND NEW LINKY: School Story!

Very recently a marketing video, the aim of which is seeking financial assistance from alumni and potential donors, was released that told a small part of the history of the school at which I teach. It's a rich and varied history, chronicling tremendous faith, support, and determination. We have undergone a LOT of change over the years, but always we have remained dedicated Heralds of Truth and Grace. I'd like to take the opportunity to share this history with you. Welcome to my school, St. John School.

Here's a small peek inside my newest classroom and the hallway nearby. There's even a snap of what it looked like before we moved in August 2012. If you were looking closely there was a quick clip of it in the video, complete with 32 lively sixth graders!

I love how in the video it says:


I truly believe this. We all need to tell our stories. Therefore, I'm inviting you to share your School Story. I've  created a brand new linky party that will allow us to share the story of our school... where it's located, what makes it unique, what it looks like, all the things that ARE WORTH TELLING. Create a blog post that tells your School Story, add the School Story button below, then come back to this page and add your post's link. I can NOT wait to start reading about all the places where my bloggie friends and followers spend so much of their time.

Happy Storytelling,
Happy Teaching,
The Teacher's Desk 6

The Teacher's Desk 6 School Story

TBA's Ultimate Linky Party

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