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March 8, 2015

Sunday Scoop

I missed the Sunday Scoop last week! I'm not sure what happened. I just seemed to have lost Sunday all together! Not so this week. Here's the scoop!

Housework takes the top THREE slot this week. I detest it, I avoid it, it swamps me! My house is a wreck.

In the number TWO position are two things that will probably get done before the top three just like I know that the number ONE item is being done as you are reading this!

I was invited to try the Amazon Echo waaaaaaaay back in the fall. Of course, I accepted the invitation and was finally told at the beginning of the year that I was able to purchase one. Once I submitted my order I discovered that I wouldn't receive the Echo until the March. It came early! Havin' way toooo much fun with it! Forget the housework!

Head on over to the Teaching Trio for more Sunday Scoops!


  1. Hi Angela,
    Our Sunday Scoops are very much the same!! What is the amazon echo? I'm very curious! Hope you get to work on that TpT product. I'm hoping for the same. Happy Sunday!
    Joya :)

  2. I was thinking the same thing Liveloveserveteach said! We're all needing to clean, get laundry done, finish lesson plans, and create for TpT. We should just all get together and have a creating party.

  3. My Sunday is filled with laundry also! I've never heard of an Amazon echo either :) enjoy it, though!

  4. Isn't that funny...I read the other comments and my thoughts were similar...what's an echo? I also love how we are all like...we want to finish TPT products. I have to get one done for next week's lessons for my own classroom...yikes. Wish me luck! Have a great week!

    Renee at The Science School Yard


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