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August 3, 2016

Winner Wednesday

The first Wednesday of every month is set aside for WINNER WEDNESDAY!
Are you ready to WIN a brand new ENGAGING and USEFUL product?
Just fill out the Rafflecopter at the bottom of this post. If your name is selected as the winner, you will receive....

Raise your hand if you have heard of anchor charts? It seems everywhere that you turn in the education world there is a picture of, an article about, or teacher testimonial regarding this oft discussed instructional aid. They are wonderful! I have used them (just called them teaching charts) for nearly all 37 years of teaching. I have a HUGE collection of pins of anchor charts. You're welcome to peruse and repin from my awesome board!

The problem with anchor charts, at least for my students and me, is that my kiddos just don't stay in one classroom. We are departmentalized in grs. 5+. Since I teach the language arts skills, much of my content is that which our students need to carry over into all their subjects: writing process, writing traits, conventions of writing, etc. It is not practical to send anchor charts from room to room with the students nor to duplicate them to hang in multiple rooms. The content area teachers have enough charts of their own let alone displaying mine as well.

What is practical, however, is giving each student a mini-anchor chart to take with him/her! The photos below show you what these mini-charts are like and how to assemble them. Minimal supplies are needed, students can assemble them themselves with a little instruction and guidance. All you as teacher need to do is select the chart to use and print enough copies. Students supply a pencil, glue, scissors, and tape (optional). You can read more about these fun instructional aids and see a listing of all the mini-charts available HERE. There is even a customizable chart included so you can create your own!

So, are you intrigued by these little gems? Would you like a set of your own? Just enter the Rafflecopter before midnight tonight, Aug. 3, 2016, and you could own your own mini-anchor charts to use with your intermediate/middle grades students. I will send the winner their packet of mini anchor charts early on Thursday.

Be sure to hop on over to A Dab of Glue Will Do You or Sara J Creations to read more Winner Wednesday posts and enter to win more WINNING teaching products!


  1. These are so cute and such a good ideas. I love that it is a constant reminder for students as they work.

  2. What a great idea!! So smart so each student has it up close. Thanks for joining us!


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