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November 27, 2016

Guess What!

It's that time of year...

And I've got a $10 TpT gift certificate to giveaway just in time for you to spend during the sale. Enter this Rafflecopter before November 29, 2016, and I will select one name at random early, early on the morning of the twenty-ninth. You'll receive your prize in time to enjoy using it during the sale!

While you're shopping on TpT, please check out all of the brand new items that I've recently added to my TpT Store. I've included loads of my ever popular ZAP games. Several are holiday related while others integrate religion with ELA skills. There's a new mystery picture just for the holidays, and I've added a brand new card game called SWITCH! Just click HERE to see all of The Teacher's Desk 6 new inventory.

You can save 10% on all bundles and 28% on individual items in my store during the cyber sale by using the promo code CYBER2016
Happy Shopping!

November 26, 2016

Advent: Season of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love (freebies)

It's that time again! It's the beginning of the Liturgical Year, our New Year! The Season of Advent begins this coming Sunday, Nov. 27, 2016. Advent is one of my favorite times of the year- it is the season of hope, peace, joy, and love that reminds us of the coming of  Light into our world of darkness.

To help you celebrate this wondrous time of the year I have many freebies for you and your students...

First, if you are using brag tags in your classroom, HERE is a set for you.

Next is a packet of materials: spelling list, graphic organizer, editing activitiy, and more. You can download it HERE.

HERE is a simple Advent Take Three. This is a great pre-writing activity!

Speaking of Writing Activity, HERE is a prompt from the original Paragraph a Week program just for Advent.

Are you and your students keeping Interactive ELA Notebooks? Here are three foldables perfect for integrating religion with Language Arts. One for ADJECTIVES, one for VERBS, and one for ADVERBS.

Need a quick, yet attractive Advent decoration for your classroom? HERE is a banner for your students to construct that combines research, writing, and fun!

Working with older students? HERE is an activity that integrates Language Arts skills with Music. Students must scavenge the lyrics of the familiar Advent hymn "On Jordan's Bank" for poetry, literary, and grammatical elements.

Just for fun or for a writing center HERE is a list of Would You Rather's tailored for Advent.

Interested in STILL MORE Advent/ELA activities? Just click HERE.

November 24, 2016

Black Friday Dollar Deals

It just wouldn't be Black Friday without a few deals! In celebration of Black Friday, you can find loads of dollar deals on TpT. Organized by Ashley from Ashley's Brainy Centers, sellers have been encouraged to mark down terrific teaching products to just one dollar for this busiest shopping day of the year. Instead of braving the crowded stores and bustling shoppers, shop from your arm chair at home on TpT. Visit TpT and use the #blackfridaydollardeals tag in the search box to find the sale products or just click HERE.


Here are two brand new items that I am offering in my TpT Store for just one dollar each. Both are holiday related, perfect for those high energy days during the wait-for-the-holiday break, and ready for you and your students to use... just print and go! Click on the link provided for each item to learn more about it and see more images.

a two-in-one game to engage your students in practicing ELA skills

contains extra cards for additional playing fun

November 15, 2016

Show and Tell Tuesday for November

It's time for one of my favorite monthly posts...
On Halloween, this happened! I haven't bowled in like FOREVER. My nephew begged me to join his family for an evening of all you can bowl. Well, I lasted three hours and two and a half games. Of course, I paid for it for several days as well... oh my knees! I did have a lot of fun so, we're going to go again over Thanksgiving weekend.

I have been BUSY, busy making loads of ZAP games. My kiddos love this simple game. Not sure what ZAP is? Check out this post HERE and my TpT store HERE. Your kiddos will love getting ZAPPED!

My kiddos love GO ROUND days! What's that? It's really nothing more than literacy centers with a bit of a twist. We do Go Round days on Wednesdays each week. Each of the four tables in my room houses a particular center (these change from week to week). In the pic above you see a mystery picture for practicing parts of speech, a roll-a-story activity for Thanksgiving, and a game of U-Know for cause and effect. On the fourth table was a ZAP game. Students start out at their home table and work on the activity for eight minutes at which point a timer goes off. They then GO ROUND the room to the next table where they work for eight minutes and so on until all of the tables have been visited. Go Round assignments that need to be finished are completed over the next two days during class.

Finally, I just had to share a pic of these two sweet girls. Lulubelle and Daisy Mae have been sissies for nearly three years. They have slowly, ever so slowly made up over this lengthy time. They have gradually learned to tolerate each other and to sit near each other. Just this past weekend they actually slept together on the couch, touching each other! WAHOO! Sounds silly, but if you have ever had two stubborn cats, you know what an accomplishment this is.

Thank you for joining me here for Show and Tell Tuesday. Please head on over to Forever in 5th Grade and see all the other great Show and Tell posts by bloggers from all over the Education World. It's a great way to keep up with terrific teachers, learn great new ideas, and see wonderful learning products in action!